There is a famous Zen koan which goes something like this:
“What did your face look like before your parents were born?”
Or “What was your original face before you were born?”
Now, I have never studied Zen koans, and I certainly do not have an answer to this riddle. However, I do find it intriguing. It captures my imagination. It makes me wonder about my true original self, my “original face.” This koan points us in the direction of what meditation and contemplative practice are all about. It invites us to behold the Mystery which lies within the beauty of our souls.
When we meditate we humble ourselves. We attempt to let go of the layers and layers of conditioning which make up our egos. We dive beneath the surface to discover something deeper, truer, and more authentic about ourselves. And after some time, if we persist in our practice, we begin to get a glimpse of our original self made in the image of God. We begin to see ourselves the way God sees us - beloved and restored in the mystical body of Christ.
What did your original face look like before you were born? Something to ponder. I invite you to live into the mystery of this koan as you continue your contemplative practice.
~ PR