“What good is it for me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God 1400 years ago and I don’t give birth to God’s Son in my person, in my culture and my times.”

- Meister Eckhart, 13th century Christian mystic and Dominican friar

In two short weeks it will be Christmas Eve.  We will be celebrating the birth of God’s Son into our world and into our lives.  What is happening in our souls as we celebrate this great Feast of the Incarnation?  I think Meister Eckhart gives us some very profound spiritual guidance here.  At Christmas we just don’t celebrate the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago, as important as that is. In addition we celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness, the birth of the Second Person of the Trinity, into our own lives, into our own souls.  In the words of C.S. Lewis we become “little Christs” through the incarnation of the Word of God within.

Our contemplative practice plays a very important role in the expansion of our awareness of the birth of Christ within.  Contemplative prayer opens us up to the light, life and love of Christ.  It is a light shining in the darkness, the light of Divine Presence and Love within.  Through our practice we grow.  The Light of Christ shines more brightly, little by little.  We become “Christophoros”, “Christ bearers”, in our culture and world, key players in God’s plan of salvation.

With this ever expanding knowledge and awareness, we say, “Thank you.”  With Mary we sing, “My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.”  Thanks be to God for the birth of Christ in Bethlehem and within our souls. May each of us be and become our truest selves, miraculous bearers of Christ.

~ PR