Praying with St. Mary

“Be it unto me according to thy word.”   Luke 1:38

Over the years I have gathered together a collection of favorite Bible verses which I use to begin my contemplative prayer sessions.  I use them as “breath” prayers at the start of my sitting.  These Scripture verses prime the pump of my heart for prayer and help me enter into the holy presence of God.

The above verse is one of my very favorites.  These famous words were spoken by St. Mary after the angel Gabriel announced to her that she would conceive and bear a child by the Holy Spirit and that he would be called  the Son of the Most High.  Wow!  What an overwhelming message to handle!  After some pondering and questioning, Mary replied to the angel, “Be it unto me according to thy word.”  In other words Mary said “Yes” in a very deep profound way to the activity of God within her life.  It was indeed mysterious activity that she did not fully understand.  But yet, she consented to God’s Word with faith and trust.

Mary represents for us the archetype of the contemplative life.  She embodies what it means to be a contemplative:  a person who opens their body, mind, heart and soul to the Divine Presence.  A person who says “yes” and consents to God’s gracious mysterious activity in their lives.

I commend to you the example of St. Mary.  Pray her words from your heart.  Make them your own.  And then be ready for the wondrous adventure of contemplative transformation.

~ PR

Spiritual Director