“The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.” Habakkuk 2:20
One of the things that has greatly enhanced my contemplative prayer practice has been creating a sacred space at home for prayer and meditation. I am using about half of the smallest bedroom in our home for my oratory. I have taken my time furnishing and decorating this space. My oratory includes things I cherish: an icon of the Holy Trinity, a Celtic cross, a statue of the Buddha I have had since college, stones from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, a couple of eagle feathers, a candle and an incense holder. And of course my favorite meditation chair. The more I meditate in my oratory the more I love it.
I would encourage you, if you haven’t already done so, to create a sacred space in your home for prayer and meditation. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Maybe just a corner in a room with your favorite chair, a Bible and a candle. Be creative. Enjoy creating your sacred space!
When I cross the threshold of my oratory something magic happens. My soul comes alive and I more easily enter into the imaginal world of the Spirit. I am more ready to sit down, settle in and rest in the presence of God.
I would be curious to know what you have done or are doing to create a special place for prayer and meditation in your home.
Blessings, Paul