John's Car Wash: A Story about Play as a Contemplative Practice

Like all three and a half year olds, my grandson, Johnny, loves to play. His favorite activity is playing with his cars and trucks. He has quite a collection of miniature toy vehicles: sports cars, monster trucks, mini vans and race cars. When he plays Johnny is totally absorbed in what he is doing. He doesn’t think about the past or the future. He doesn’t judge himself on the quality of his play. He just does it freely and with joy.

Johnny’s favorite cartoon show is “Carl’s Car Wash.” We have started a new game of washing his cars and trucks in the kitchen sink. We call it “John’s Car Wash.” Johnny loves it when I play with him. He washes the cars in soapy bubbles and water. I rinse the cars and then place them on a towel to dry. I try to be as present as I can with Johnny while we play together. He is my mindfulness teacher. He is teaching me to let go of my thoughts and just dwell in present moment awareness.

Playing cars and trucks with Johnny makes my heart smile and fills me with a quiet joy. I am remembering what it was like to be three years old myself.  

I am very grateful that my grandson is teaching me how to play. It is amazing that something as simple as playing with cars and trucks in a sink can bring present moment awareness. Play can be a joyful contemplative practice!

Jesus said, "Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 18:3

Question to ponder:  What playful activities do you enjoy in your life?